Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyzes the surface of materials. SEM measures and evaluates surface pitting, failure analysis, characterization of dust, deposits, contaminants, particles, filter residues, and other applications.
MTS Metallurgists analyse the surface of solid objects, producing higher resolution images than optical microscopy.
Micro structural characterization includes the analysis of materials, polymers, films, coatings, geological and mineral core samples, pharmaceuticals, raw materials, metals, plastics, ceramics, glass, food, dust, contaminants, unknowns and other products.
MTS reviews the data produced by SEM labs provide elemental analysis of solid samples, impurities, and the identification of physical and chemical defects. The laboratories provide analytical surface science expertise to support research, failure analysis, troubleshooting, quality control and other requirements.
SEM/Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis is also available. SEM/EDXA allows the analysis of small particles by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis, resulting in testing without destruction or injury to the sample. SEM/EDXA provides qualitative elemental analysis and element localization on samples being analysed.
MTS has a tie up with leading SEM service providers in India and abroad to get the reliable services under sub contracting.
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We are a unique laboratory in India focusing on Failure Analysis and one of the few finest NABL accredited Metallurgical laboratories in the country.